Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nate's Leisure

As one can see I have a couple pictures surronding this blog. The first is my buddy and I after a baseball game. I believe one can find leisure in something organized like highschool baseball if one truly enjoys being there and sees it as a leisure. The next is of my family and I on vacation at my condo in Florida. Nothing is better to me than a week of relaxing, no worries, and some beach time. Both of these situations I was able to enjoy myself and freely chose to take part in during my free time to have fun and to laugh and play. I believe laughing, playing, and enjoying ones self is a huge part of leisure. Both pictures to me mean my leisure is spent a lot with other such as my family and friends, people I can enjoy spending time with, and can trust in any situation. Just like leisure, these people are the small gifts in life that mean the most.

To me leisure is free time that one does not waste. Free time that one organizes. A chance to take everything around you in and enjoy yourself. No matter who it be with or where you are as long as you feel its leisure. Leisure can be found in anything.

Nathan Minarich, minaric1, 667704492

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