Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Assignment one

This is a picture of my sister and I when we were little girls. To me this picture symbolizes my childhood when I had all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted. I had no responsibilities yet and no worries in my life. I spent all day playing with my sister Katie. When we were younger we didn't even need toys to play with because we had wild enough imaginations that we were fairly easily entertained.
As we got a little bit older, we started to play with Barbie dolls and Beanie Babies. We started school so we didn't have all the free time that we had been used to having. As we got even older, homework and after-school activities got in the way of the time we got to spend together at home. By high school I had grown accustomed to keeping busy with sports practice, clubs, and even more homework.
As I have gotten older, the way that I spend my leisure time has changed greatly. It has evolved from all day play-time to small intervals of time each day. To me, leisure is a reward for being organized and completing all of my responsibilities so that I can fully enjoy my free time. If I try to take leisure time when I have a list of unfinished tasks it ends up not being very relaxing because I dwell on what I should be doing instead. Leisure is earned time that I can spend doing what I want to do and not worrying about other obligations.

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