Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This is a picture of my friends and I at a small party. One may find leisure in laying around the house, playing golf, sleeping, or watching television. One thing that I like to spend my leisure time doing is being with my friends. Any time I am with my friends, I feel at home and relaxed. Whenever things are not going my way and I need to get away from all the craziness in my life, I turn to my friends. You may not always find the perfect TV show to watch but you will alway have your friends around to hang out with. I think of leisure as being time when you need to relax and get away from the stress in life. It is the time when you have completed all of your work or just time here and there to take a break and relax. Without leisure in our lives we would all go crazy. Leisure is the time for peaceful thinking and total relaxation.


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